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Your Expert Online Nutrition Coach

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Your Elite Health Coach

Coach Drea

Hi, I'm Coach Drea, the founder & CEO of Elite Health Coaching. I created this company to help people find their love of nutrition in a healthy way. When most people think of food, they tend to stress out deciding what or when they're going to eat next. This is because most of us are starving ourselves without even knowing it. Sound familiar?


The driving force behind Elite Health Coaching is my passion and deep desire to help individuals achieve their long-term health and nutrition goals. Whether you’re seeking help with weight loss, sports nutrition, or disease prevention, I can help you. My goal isn't to just help you achieve your current goal, but keep your nutrition and health at it's full potential throughout your life. My motto is from the Father of Western Medicine,

"May your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food".

- Hippocrates


Because of my deep belief that this can be true for us all, you'll be well taken care of here.

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Reach your goals

Jumpstart your healthy habits today with Coach Drea, an experienced and responsible Nutrition Coach. Whatever your current goal is, Elite Health will carefully evaluate your current habits to formulate a personalized plan based on your specific needs and goals. So if Weight Loss Coaching is what you’re looking for, schedule a free consultation today.

On the Scales


Achieve Greatness

Sports Nutrition Education can be one of the keys to a happier, healthier path to your fitness goal. Elite Health Coaching offers strategic tools and techniques to help athletes and aspiring athletes achieve a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle throughout their training. Whether you're training for a competition, a run or climbing a mountain, Coach Drea will give you the education you need to prepare your body and mind in a healthy, efficient and highly effective manner to achieve your big goals. After several personalized sessions, you’ll become well-versed at making the best food-related decisions for your athletic & health needs. Book a consult today to get more info meet your coach.

Fit Woman
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Thomas Edison

"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition"

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5 Days to a Flatter Tummy


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